Return to Work

After surgery, you may not be able to return to work straight away. Please take into consideration getting to and from work, the activities required for your work and whether you are going to be able to perform those duties with your arm in a sling, a splint or with bandages or a wound on your arm. If you have any questions please ask Angus. If you need a medical certificate please mention it to the secretaries and they will try to accommodate your request.

Return to DRIVING

This is a somewhat contentious issue. It essentially comes down to your self assessment as to whether you are fit to drive. Every time we hop in the car, we are making a self-assessment of whether we are competent to drive. After surgery, this remains the case. There are some absolutes. If you have a ligament or bone injury then you cannot drive for at least six weeks (you cannot comfortably drive a vehicle with both hands on the steering wheel). For more minor injuries (i.e. a finger sprain), it is essential that you self assess: Am I competent to control this vehicle in an emergency situation with both hands on the steering wheel? In a court of law, it is what a reasonable person would expect you to do. So if a reasonable person would think that “I have this injury, I don’t think I should be driving” then this is the standard. More information can be obtained from the Department of Transport website.