Christmas Party 2018

Western Orthopaedic Clinic held its Christmas party last week and a great time was had by all. Thanks to Sally and Sarah for another fantastic year. I am very lucky to have such great support from all the staff, a wonderful team at WOC.

I was also very fortunate that my staff kindly provided me with this novelty christmas suit to wear for the day.

Have a Merry Christmas all.


Angus Publishes Article in Journal of Hand Surgery European Volume

Angus and David Graham, with the help of Bryan Tan, have published an article in the Journal of Hand Surgery regarding dissection of the posterior interosseous artery flap. There was previously little anatomical information on the specifics of the dissection, particularly relating to the anatomical relationships between the posterior interosseous artery and the nerve. Three areas of increasing risk to the nerve were identified as a method of stratifying risk during the dissection.

Thanks to all who helped out including the fantastic staff at the University of WA Anatomy department.

Angus presents at AOAWA at Bunker Bay

Angus presented a talk titled "Distal Radius Osteotomy: Distraction Osteotomy and Computer Guidance" at the Australian Orthopaedic Association (WA branch) meeting in Bunker Bay this past weekend. The talk was well received and questions included:

Do you use a dorsal approach for distal radius osteotomy?

Rarely, only in the circumstance where there is an intra-articular portion that requires a dorsal approach. Typically, the dorsal approach would be avoided in order to a prevent irritation of the dorsal tendons. 

How do you measure the length of your distraction osteotomy when most corrections will leave a trapezoidal gap?

I use the average length measurement, for example, on the radial side there will often be a greater lengthening required than the ulnar side, and so the measurement is taken from the middle of the bone, and thus represent the average length of the distraction. 

Angus convenes WASHS cadaver course with Marc Garcia-Elias

Last weekend we had the pleasure of hosting Marc Garcia-Elias in Perth for the Western Australian Society of Hand Surgery. We all benefited greatly from the experience of one of the world's leading wrist surgeons. We were shown the volar radial approach to the distal radius and z-arthrotomy scaphoid approach. We ran through distal radioulnar joint approaches and Marc's spiral tenodesis. Thanks to all who attended and especially Marc.